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¨The quickest way to self confidence is to do exactly what you´re afraid of doing.¨
Barack Obama
Good improv is entertaining
And so is bad improv
It is exceedingly rare to have a semester-long course dedicated to the art of Improvisation in any school. Jackson is very fortunate to be able to provide this advanced Drama course for its students. It does come, however, with the burden of added expectations, because this class only uses Improv as a means to a larger end: to foster personal growth in students by challenging and developing their comfort zone and learning how to to feel fear without running away from it.
1. I expect that every student will make an honest attempt to
succeed in the class.
2. I expect that every student will treat the class, the teacher,
the classroom and fellow students with respect.
3. I expect students to be focused on performances when they
are audience members
4. I expect all students to participate in the class
Grading Criteria
40%- The above expectations
40%- Improv performances and personal improvement
20%- Written quizzes/activities
Improv class will consist of individual and team games and activities, conditioned performances,
The Improv Olympics, caption contests, the history of Improv in and out of America, questioning whether Improv has functional value in today's society (spoiler alert: it does), learning what an Improv show
consists of and ultimately planning and performing their own show in groups of four or five.
Students will never have homework from this class as I believe their current amount of homework is already unreasonable and unrealistic. This class understands that students also have five other classes and respects students time after school as their own. In return, this class expects full focus and participation in the time they are in the class. I believe that to be a fair and reasonable trade for both sides.
Liam Neeson breaks every improv rule
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